
Reasons to shop online

  1. More product information
  2. Compare prices and products
  3. Convenience: place your order 24/7
  4. Stock alerts
  5. Instant confirmation of order

Online using this website

All Suma account holders can use this site to place an order. If you already have a Suma account but need to be set up with an online ordering account, please call:
+44 (0) 1422 313845
If you haven't yet opened a Suma account please visit our UK registration page or contact International Sales to apply.

UK Sales

+44 (0)1422 313848
[email protected]

If you're based in: (1) Northern Island, (2) the Channel Islands or (3) Isle of Man, please contact our International Sales on the details below.

International Sales

As well as serving the needs of our local, UK-based customers, Suma also exports to many areas of the World. To find out more visit the International Sales page.
+44 (0)1422 313842
[email protected]


If you have an EPOS system contact our Customer Support Team
+44 (0)1422 313843
or email [email protected] to discuss automatic ordering.

Delivery Information

Please visit our Delivery Information page.

Collection Service

We offer a service for customers who can collect their orders direct from our warehouse. To find out more visit the Suma Collection Service page.

Food Groups

If you are part of a food buying cooperative or looking to start one, please visit our Food Group page for information.

Call us / Email

We are happy to take orders over the phone or by email. Our Sales Team can help you choose products and suggest profitable ranges for your business.

The Suma Catalogue

Over 7000 wholefood and eco-friendly products are detailed in our printed catalogue. We refresh and update our range with new products and special offers every two months.